Ulrike Seyboth was born in 1970. She lives and works in Berlin and France.
From 1992 to 1998, Ulrike Seyboth studied at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, graduating with a diploma, and in 1999 she joined professor Dieter Goltzsche’s master class.
In 1995, she received ERASMUS funding to go to Salamanca in Spain. With a stipend from Berlin’s Senate Office for Cultural Affairs, she moved to the Cité des Arts in Paris in 1999, and in 2001 to the Bourgogne. She has received numerous stipends and awards, including a work scholarship from the Hans und Charlotte Krull Stiftung, a residency of the Goethe Institute and HIAP in Helsinki, a project funding from the Käthe-Dorsch-und Agnes-Straub-Stiftung, and a project funding from the Berlin district Berlin-Pankow. Ulrike Seyboth was nominated for the Wilhelm-Morger-Preis, Soest and Prix de Vitry/Paris.
Together with the artist Ingo Fröhlich, she established artist-run-space Torstrasse 111 and the association and Torstraße 111 – Forum für zeitgenössische Kunst Berlin e.V., where she acts as curator of the gallery space in this art and project building. In 2019 she was awarded the project Torstraße 111 with a grant from the Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn and 2020 by the Bezirkskulturfonds Berlin-Mitte. She is member of the association VdBK 1867 in Berlin.
Ulrike Seyboth’s work is characterized by intense colour manifestoes, based on her painterly observation of light and nature. She lives in Berlin and in Lanquedoc (F).
Graduation degree | art discipline/university
1988 – 89 | Baccalauriat |
1992 – 98 | Studys at Kunsthochschule-Berlin-Weißensee (KHB), diploma in painting in Prof. Dieter Goltzsche’s class |
1999 | Masterclass in painting (Prof. Dieter Goltzsche) |
since 2011 | Curatorial work the artist-run-space Torstrasse 111 – Forum of contemporary Art Berlin, in collaboration with Ingo Fröhlich |
since 2017 | Member in Association of Berlin Artists, VdBK 1867 |
Awards | Fellowships | Contests
2022 | First place and prize winner of the Kunst am Bau contest for the new building of the 48th primary school, Berlin (with Ingo Fröhlich) |
2022 | Artist-in-Residence, Fellowship | Le Réservoir, Sète (F) |
2020 | Artist-in-Residence, Fellowship | Stiftung Kunstdepot Göschenen (CH) |
2020 | Project funding Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111 | Bezirkskulturfonds Berlin-Mitte |
2019 | Catalogue promotiong | Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn |
2018 | Artist-in-Residence, Fellowship | Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf |
2017 | Artist-in-Residence in Hérisson | Mairie d’Hérisson/Auvergne-Bourbonnais (F) |
2015 | Artist-in-Residence, Fellowship | PARC-Village des Arts et Métiers, Octon (F) |
2014 | Nomination for the Art Award Wilhelm-Morgner-Preis, Soest |
2013 | Project founding | Käthe-Dorsch-and-Agnes-Straub-Foundation, Berlin |
2013 | Artist-in-residence | Felagsheimili-Flatery, sponsord by Borgarstjórn-Isarfjördur (IS) |
2012 | Artist-in-Residence, Fellowship | Suomenlinna, Goethe-Institute/HIAP Helsinki (FIN) |
2012 | Project funding | Bezirkskulturfonds Berlin-Pankow |
2011 – 12 | Fellowship | Hans and Charlotte Krull Fondation, Berlin |
2009 | Nomination for the Art Award de Vitry, Galerie Municipal de Vitry/Paris (F) |
2001 | Catalogue promotion| Käthe-Dorsch-Fondation, Berlin |
1999 – 2000 | Fellowship | Cité Internationale des Arts Paris, by Berlin government’s department for science, research and culture |
1995 | ERASMUS Fellowship Salamanca (E) |
Solo Shows (selection)
2025 | en vadrouille – auf Achse | Galerie Fenna Wehlau, Munich |
2024 | en passant | Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111 | Artstruine, Berlin (Guest: Frizzi Krella) |
2023 | ALLES SCHWINGT!Sound sculptures to play along with | Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich, opening of the sound sculpture by the Berlin Senate |
2022 | ATELIER VAGABOND | Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich, Maison de Heidelberg, Montpellier (F) |
2022 | Ich zeichne die Zeit, du malst den Moment | Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich, Galerie Fenna Wehlau, Munich |
2022 | JOURNAL DE SÈTE | Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich, Le Réservoir – Art & Patrimoine, Sète (F) |
2022 | ATELIER VAGABOND | Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich, BLMK – Brandenburg State Museum of Modern Art, Frankfurt/O. |
2021 | Je dessine le temps, tu peins l’instant| Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich, Museums of Sens (F) | catalogue |
2020 | Ich zeichne die Zeit, du malst den Momant | Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich, Guardini-Fondation, Berlin | catalogue |
2019 | D’où je viens, les nuages dorment sur les montagnes, D’où tu viens, la mer rêve dans le brouillard, FONDATION DU PIOCH PELAT – ARPAC, in collaboration with Ingo Fröhlich, Castelnau le Lez/Montpellier (F) |
2019 | Ich zeichne die Zeit, du malst den Moment | Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich, Schopfheim Art Association/Culture Factory, Schopfheim |
2017 | Je dessine le temps, tu peins l’instant | Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich, Ancien Trésor Public, Hérisson (F) |
2015 | Je dessine le temps, tu peins l’instant – Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich en dialogue avec PARC, Octon (F) |
2014 | Ich zeichne die Zeit, du malst den Moment – Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich im Dialog mit Jena, Städtische Museen/Kunstsammlung Jena | catalogue |
2013 | Ankunft: Neue Musik, Zeitgenössische Oper Berlin, Performance to For Bunita Marcus of Morten Feldman, Hauptbahnhof Berlin |
2013 | fragiles, Kurt Tucholsky Museum, Schloss Rheinsberg, Rheinsberg |
2012 | Ulrike Seyboth & Ingo Fröhlich at Suomenlinna, HIAP & Goethe-Institute Helsinki (FIN) |
2011 | outside, Galerie Smudajescheck with Studio f/Galerie SÜDWESTPRESSE, Ulm |
2010 | Art from Berlin, Art Karlsruhe, Förderkoje Berlin | catalogue |
2010 | dipinti, Mostre d’Arte, San Lorenzo (I) |
2009 | c’est la vie – dispositionen, Gallery L., Berlin | catalogue |
2008 | vollrausch, Kunsthaus Hohenwalde, Hohenwalde |
2007 | je t’aime – the rose unconscious, Galerie L., Berlin |
2006 | Im Kabinett, Galerie Berlin, Berlin |
2006 | Ulrike Seyboth – Malerei, Galerie im Kurhaus, Bad Schlema |
2005 | Ulrike Seyboth – Malerei, Galerie im Turm, Music: Meret Becker/Moritz Volpert, Berlin |
2005 | peinture, dessin & ceramique, Chapelle Pénitents Blancs, St. Guilhelm-le-Desert (F) |
2004 | peinture, dessin & ceramique, La Grange, La Ferté Loupière (F) |
2003 + 04 | eau, terres & lumiere, Druyes Les Belles Fontaines (F) |
2002 | Malerei, Zeichnung, Keramik, Galerie Mitte, Berlin | catalogue |
2001 | Pintura, Dibujo, Ceramica, Galeria Casa de las Conchas, Salamanca (E) I|catalogue |
2001 | Ulrike Seyboth, Salon Nathalie Riquelm, Paris (F) |
Group Shows (selection)
2022 | Zerbrechlich! Ton, Scheibe, Bild: Künstlerkeramik, BLMK – Brandenburg State Museum of Modern Art, Cottbus |
2021 | Rosé auf Eis, WESTSIDE Galerie, Leipzig |
2021 | ohne Titel, Museum Ludwig, Saarlouis | catalogue |
2020 | POP UP, Haus der Kunst, mit dem VdBK 1867, Berlin |
2020 | TORTORTOR 1:1:1, Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111, Berlin | catalogue |
2020 | Liberté, Figure de proue, Salles Saint-Pierre & La Fabrique, Avallon (F) | catalogue |
2020 | ohne Titel, Museum Ludwig, Saarlouis |
2019 | 12 aus 49, VdBK 1867, Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum, Berlin |
2019 | Im großen Schiff der Gefühle, VdBK 1867 e.V. as guest at Torstrasse 111 – Forum für zeitgenössische Kunst Berlin |
2019 | Landpartie, Fellows of the Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf, Ministry of Science, Research and Culture, Potsdam |
2018 | L’art se fait nature, Vendémiaires d’automne, Saint Mathieu de Trévieres (F) | catalogue |
2018 | Treffpunkt Gartensaal, Schloss Wiepersdorf, Brandenburg |
2017 | Rosa Rot und Himmel Blau – 17 Positionen zur Malerei, Galerie Pankow, Berlin | catalogue |
2015 | Aus Berliner Sicht, Die Galerie, Frankfurt a. M. |
2014 | TRANSNORD, Torstrasse 111 – Forum für zeitgenössische Kunst Berlin |
2013 | Nomination for the Wilhelm Morgner-Preis, Museum Wilhelm-Morgner-Haus, Soest I catalogue |
2013 | Macht Kunst, Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle, Berlin |
2013 | Tarantulla Tentacle, Torstrasse 111 – Forum für zeitgenössische Kunst Berlin |
2012 | Raumgreifend, HLP Galerie, in collaboration with Ingo Fröhlich, Wesseling |
2012 | ausgezeichnet/gefördert, Laureats of the Hans and Charlotte Krull Fondation, Museum FLUXUS+, Potsdam | catalogue |
2011 | Hotspot Berlin, Museum Georg Kolbe Berlin , Berlin | catalogue |
2011 | Ohne Grenzen, Treffpunkt Kunst, Museum Haus Ludwig, Saarlouis |
2009 | Laureates for the Art Award de Vitry, Galerie Municipale de Vitry/Paris (F) |
2006 + 07 | Premio Marina di Ravenna 2006 + 2007, Ravenna (I) | catalogue |
2005 | papiers, Galerie Jonas, Paris (F) |
2001 | ACI (Contemporain Young Artists), Sens, Tonnerre, Avallon, Pontigny, Le Trembley (F) | catalogue |
2001 | Zeichnungen, Museum Haus Löwenberg, Gengenbach |
2001 | Recien Pintado, Galeria RAayapunto, Salamanca (E) |
2000 | International Artists Positions, Galerie Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (F) |
1999 | TRY 5, Galerie parterre, Berlin | catalogue |
1998 | Meisterschüler im Rotes Rathaus, Berlin |
1997 | Positionen der Malerei, Galerie Jette Rudolph, Berlin |
Curatorial Work (selection)
2020 | TORTORTOR 1:1:1, project management and curatorial work of the exhibition (drawing, video, object, performance, painting, photo and installation) with 28 artists | artist-run-space Torstraße 111, Berlin (with Ingo Fröhlich) |
2019 | Im großen Schiff der Gefühle, project management and curatorial work of the exhibition with 26 artists (with Sabine Herrmann, Susanne Schirdewahn, Friederike Jokisch) | artist-run-space Torstrasse 111, Berlin |
2019 | Landpartie, Fellows of the Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf, Ministry of Science, Research and Culture, Potsdam |
2018 | engel8ig, project management of the exhibition and performance of the artists pluck and Valérie Favre (with Ingo Fröhlich) | artist-run-space Torstraße 111, Berlin |
2018 | UNTER BLAUEM HIMMEL, project management of the exhibition of the Leipzig artist Frenzy Höhne (with Ingo Fröhlich) | artist-run-space Torstraße 111, Berlin |
2018 | AROMA MUSA, project manager of the exhibition (drawing, video, object, performance, painting, photo and installation) by 17 artists (with Ingo Fröhlich) | artist-run-space Torstraße 111, Berlin |
2017 | TRAPHOUSE III, project management and curatorial supervision of the exhibition with 25 students of the UdK Berlin, class Valérie Favre I catalogue (with Ingo Fröhlich) | artist-run-space Torstraße 111, Berlin |
2016 | (H)ausstellen, project management | artist-run-space Torstraße 111, Berlin |
2014 | TRANSNORD, curatorial director of the exhibition (drawing, painting, video, installation, sculpture) with 8 artists (with Ingo Fröhlich) | artist-run-space Torstraße 111, Berlin |
2013 | TARANTULA TENTACULUM, curatorial director of the exhibition (drawing, painting, street art, video) with 10 artists (with Ingo Fröhlich) | artist-run-space Torstraße 111, Berlin |
2013 | Enivrez-vous, director of the circus project (with Bernard Bonnet) | artist-run-space Torstraße 111, Berlin |
2012 | various, curatorial director of the exhibition (drawing, painting, installation, video) with 5 artists (with Ingo Fröhlich) | artist-run-space Torstraße 111, Berlin |
2018 | UdK Berlin, painting class, workshop on painting materials and colours |
2018 | Vendémiaires d’automne, one-week workshop with a total of about 900 students on painting and drawing, St. Mathieu de Trévieres (F) |
2012 –2017 | Seminars, lectures in the Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111, among others with students of the class Valérie Favre of the UdK Berlin (2017, 2018) |
2008 | FH Zwickau, Faculty of Applied Arts Schneeberg, one-week workshop on The subject of colour |
Important works in museums, public and private collections etc.
Art & Patrimoine, Collection Gilbert Ganivenq, Sète (F) | Städtische Museen, Kunstsammlung Jena | Sammlung Ursula und Bernhard Giebel, Saarlouis | Kunstdepot Göschenen (CH) | Mairie d’Octon (F) | Goethe-Institut Helsinki (FIN) | Mairie d’Herison (F) | Sammlung Guillaume Delachaux dit Gay (F) | Dauerhafte Wandgestaltung im Hotel Viktoria, Nürnberg | Biblioteca Pública Casa de las Conchas, Salamanca (E)
Courtesy Elizabeth Markevitch,