Edited by Ulrike Seyboth, Ingo Fröhlich and Frizzi Krella on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Kunst- und Projekthaus Torstraße 111 in Berlin, the book illustrates how the participation of artists in the collective urban space enriches inner-city diversity, creating creative biotopes that guarantee a lively urban diversity. The documentary integration of the artist-run-space into the art historical context of the 1990s to 2020s also examines the development of artistic autonomy in Berlin. A photo and image documentation on the history of the house, interviews with participating artists* and an art historical location show how innovative approaches have been used to integrate various uses into a residential and art house.
Ingo Fröhlich founded Torstraße 111 in Berlin-Mitte in 2000. Since 2012 he has been managing the Kunst- und Projekthaus together with Ulrike Seyboth.
Cover and book design: Josephine Tischer und Jonas Vogler, Berlin
ISBN 978-3-86732-366-6 | 29,90 €